Friday, August 24, 2007

Interview Tips - How to Crack it

Here in this posting I will suggest and discuss some interview tips which when applied gives you instant result. These tips are been concluded from various successful people around the globe and some of them are my own experiences. For reading convenience I am breaking the whole posting into two.

What is Interview all about…?

First of all we will understand the meaning and the need of the interview. Interview is a way and a process to know ones Personality and Attitude.

In other words Interview is to know more about ones Personality and Attitude than the Knowledge. Knowledge of a person can not be tested and measured in few minutes or in few question. But Personality and Attitude can be tested in few minutes and in few Questions.

What is Personality…?

A brief definition would be that personality is made up the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique. In addition to this, personality arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life.

It is the Personality of a person which makes him/her unique and attractive.

What is Attitude…?

Attitude is the way a person thinks about somebody or something and the way she behaves toward someone. It is her personal view or opinion of something. It also describes her general emotional approach to any person or situation.

Attitude is how you think and whether you lean toward the optimistic or pessimistic.

And what is positive mental attitude?

It is defined as a constructive response to stress and the ability to deal effectively with unavoidable problems.

Tips for Interview

1. Go through the notes and the theory, try to remember the brief definitions and the logic of the theory

2. Take a bath and wear nice clothing, not too casual, preferably formals decent one.

3. Don’t fear with the interview, think in this manner that you are going there for a discussion or meeting with someone. The interviewer is not a GOD and nor he is a DEVIL; he is also a normal human being as you are. So don’t get scare of him.

4. During interview remember to be Polite and Calm.

5. Concentrate on what you are speaking and they way you are speaking.

6. Concentrate on what you are answering and you have been asked.

7. Never try to fool the interviewer, if you don’t know the answer of a question, say honestly “Sorry Sir, I don’t know the answer of this”, but in very polite way and with little smile on your face.

8. Try to keep smile on your face throughout the interview, it will be very beneficial for you, and will surely give you plus point.

9. Always justify your answers with example wherever necessary, this will reduce the frequency and number of questions which interviewer has planned to ask you and will definitely adds plus point in the result.

10. Always remember first 3 questions are very important for building up your image and showing your caliber and the personality, so please prepare yourself to answer those 3 in your own way.

11. The one thing which interviewer looks in you is your adaptable nature and your attitude and if you are experienced then off course including these two he sees whether you are capable enough to meet the project requirements.

12. If interviewer asks you “Do, you have any question to ask”, then never keep quite; ask something about the company or about the job requirement.

13. If suppose interviewer says that you are not selected for the post then never go keep quite ask him in which field you are lagging behind, some good interviewers will give the instant feedback of you.

14. Always remember the feedback or the moments about the previous interview, where you think you have to improve. Make notes of that.

15. Work on your notes, after each interview. If suppose there are certain topics which have been asked by the interviewer, and you were unable to give answer of that topic then while coming home try to read about those topic from the book or on the Internet as well as try to read and understand the whole chapter from which it has been asked.

16. Always keep yourself updated with new technologies and languages.

17. If interviewer is asking a practical approach of some topic with which you are not aware off, then say frankly (“Sorry Sir, I have never implemented this thing in any of my project, but I do have theoretical knowledge of it.”), but this thing you will be able to say only when you are aware of topic theory, that is why I am saying keep yourself updated.

18. Never say bad words to, or never argue with interviewer if you failed in the interview.

19. If you think that you are forgetting some topics as soon as you are in interview, then please while reading the topic try to write it once. This will increase you memory.

20. For Developers and Programmers or any other IT related fields, please try to implement the program or query of any topic once. This will increase your knowledge and enhance your memory also. Because only while implementation you will be able to understand, how things are actually working, and when and how the error will come in between.

Remember one thing it is true “everybody has his day” or “if it is in fate then I will get it” about the job, but only when you are capable enough to prove it.

Because no one, not even GOD, can help you if you are not helping yourself.

GOD can give you the opportunity but it is your wish whether you grab it or not.

So one should be honest with him/her and with his/her parents in his each and every activity.

God Bless you all ….

I wish and I hope that this post will encourage you all, please do send me your reviews good or bad.


Mental Outlook - Attitude

What is Attitude…?
Attitude is the way a person thinks about somebody or something and the way she behaves toward someone. It is her personal view or opinion of something. It also describes her general emotional approach to any person or situation.
Attitude is how you think and whether you lean toward the optimistic or pessimistic.

And what is positive mental attitude?
It is defined as a constructive response to stress and the ability to deal effectively with unavoidable problems.

A person's mental outlook is shaped by...
  • Influence and association.
Your models of the world shape how you view things or events. The people you associate with have an effect on the person you become.
  • Beliefs.
Belief is a primary component of your mannerism. It is the foundation for achieving and maintaining a positive mental outlook.
You see the world the way you are or should be. Your beliefs about others reflect back at you. If your belief about the world is good, you will obtain good results. You need to believe and hope for the best and then move toward the best.
  • Thoughts.
The way you think has become habitual. Your approach in life that directs your performance is simply from your habits of thought.
Everything that is happening outside is a reflection of your state of consciousness and your inner map. Your behavior is a mirror of your thinking.
  • Expectations.
Your expectations determine your opinion about something or someone. A person with positive expectancy will look for the benefit or advantage from an obstacle or setback.
Your beliefs about possibilities affect your mindset and your response. You get what you expect from life. When you have positive expectations, your mind will direct you to find the solutions.
  • Self-talks.
How you talk to yourself makes a difference in how you respond to situations and people.

"Being "positive" or "negative" or "optimistic" or "pessimistic" displays an attitude" – Dr Harry Adler

The right mentality makes the difference between staying stuck or reaching maximum effectiveness.

You can strengthen it through awareness and the right kind of mental practice.
Your attitude about what you see lies ahead of you will determine how much effort and commitment that you will put in.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Trojan On Steals Personal Data

A new Trojan is successfully attacking online recruiting sites and already has accessed data on hundreds of thousands of users, researchers said last Friday.

Researchers from Symantec (nasdaq: SYMC - news - people ) and SecureWorks separately reported finding surprisingly effective penetrations by the new Trojan, called Infostealer.Monstres, which was attempting to access the online recruitment Website, Other versions of the Trojan, which is a variant of the Prg Trojan, were also found to be attacking other online job sites.

Interestingly, and a security business partner, Cyveillance, warned the industry about increasing attacks on recruiting sites less than a month ago. (See Help Wanted: ID Theft Victims.)

The new Trojan, which is usually delivered via phishing messages that and Cyveillance warned users about, has allowed attackers to collect as many as 1.6 million pieces of data affecting "several hundred thousand" users on alone, according to Symantec. Working independently, SecureWorks last Friday reported finding at least a dozen caches of personal information, totaling about 100,000 identities.

"The Trojan appears to be using the (probably stolen) credentials of a number of recruiters to login to the [] Website and perform searches for resumes of candidates located in certain countries or working in certain fields," Symantec says in its blog. "The Trojan sends HTTP commands to the Website to navigate to the Managed Folders section. It then parses the output from a pop-up window containing the profiles of the candidates that match this recruiter’s saved searches."

The personal data is then extracted from the resumes and uploaded to a remote server, Symantec says. The Symantec researchers found all of the 1.6 million pieces of compromised data on a single server, but SecureWorks found at least a dozen smaller caches, so the number of users affected likely is higher than either of the research teams has reported so far.

"Such a large database of highly personal information is a spammer’s dream," Symantec says. "In fact, we found the Trojan can be instructed to send spam email using a mail template downloadable from the command and control server."

The latest exploit is not the first instance of a Trojan attacking, Symantec reports. "The main file used by Infostealer.Monstres, ntos.exe, is also commonly used by Trojan.Gpcoder.E, and both also have a similar icon for the executable file that reproduces the company logo. [This is] hardly a coincidence."

"Furthermore, Trojan.Gpcoder.E has reportedly been spammed in phishing emails," Symantec says. "These emails were very realistic, containing personal information of the victims. They requested that the recipient download a Monster Job Seeker Tool, which in fact was a copy of Trojan.Gpcoder.E.

"This Trojan will encrypt files in the affected computer and leaves a text file requesting money to be paid to the attackers in order to decrypt the files" Symantec explains. "The code for Gpcoder is rather similar to that of Monstres, which may indicate the same hacker group is behind both Trojans."

The researchers say they have informed of the exploits so that the presumably-stolen recruiter accounts can be shut down. In the meantime, they advise users not to put personal information -- such as Social Security numbers -- into their online job postings. Users should not give out this sort of data until they have established that a potential employer is legitimate, they say.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Control-Alt-Delete (often abbreviated to Ctrl-Alt-Del) is a computer keyboard command on PC compatible systems that can be used to reboot the computer, and summon the task manager or Windows Security in more recent versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system. It is invoked by pressing the Delete key while holding the Control and Alt keys.

This keyboard combination was implemented by David Bradley, a designer of the original IBM PC. Bradley originally designed Control-Alt-Escape to trigger a soft reboot, but he found it was too easy to bump the left side of the keyboard and reboot the computer accidentally. He switched the key combination to Control-Alt-Delete, a combination impossible to press with just one hand (this is not true of later keyboards, such as the 102-key PC/AT keyboard or the Maltron keyboard). More advanced operating systems use its status as a "reserved" combination for various purposes, but often retain the ability to trigger a soft reboot in certain configurations or circumstances. Bradley is also known for his good-natured jab at Bill Gates, at that time the CEO of Microsoft, and also the creator of many of Microsoft's programs: "I may have invented Control-Alt-Delete, but Bill Gates made it famous".

Colloquially, the combination is also known as a three-finger salute, Three Fingered Death Grip or, more esoterically, as a Vulcan nerve pinch.

First PC virus

The first PC virus was a boot sector virus called (c)Brain, created in 1986 by two brothers, Basit and Amjad Farooq Alvi, operating out of Lahore, Pakistan. The brothers reportedly created the virus to deter pirated copies of software they had written. However, analysts have claimed that the Ashar virus, a variant of Brain, possibly predated it based on code within the virus.

Who put up the first ever website?

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is where it all began in March 1989. A physicist, Tim Berners-Lee, wrote a proposal for information management showing how information could be transferred easily over the Internet by using hypertext, the now familiar point-and-click system of navigating through information. The following year, Robert Cailliau, a systems engineer, joined in and soon became its number one advocate.

The idea was to connect hypertext with the Internet and personal computers, thereby having a single information network to help CERN physicists share all the computer-stored information at the laboratory. Hypertext would enable users to browse easily between texts on web pages using links; The first examples were developed on NeXT computers.

Berners-Lee created a browser-editor with the goal of developing a tool to make the Web a creative space to share and edit information and build a common hypertext. What should they call this new browser: The Mine of Information? The Information Mesh? When they settled on a name in May 1990, it was the WorldWideWeb. was the address of the world's first-ever web site and web server, running on a NeXT computer at CERN. The first web page address was, which centred on information regarding the WWW project. Visitors could learn more about hypertext, technical details for creating their own webpage, and even an explanation on how to search the Web for information. There are no screenshots of this original page and, in any case, changes were made daily to the information available on the page as the WWW project developed. You may find a later copy (1992) on the World Wide Web Consortium website.

However, a website is like a telephone; if there's just one it's not much use. Berners-Lee's team needed to send out server and browser software. The NeXT systems however were far advanced over the computers people generally had at their disposal: a far less sophisticated piece of software was needed for distribution.

The First Email Computer

The first email was sent between the two machines shown in this photograph. They were (obviously) side-by-side, but the only connection between them was through the ARPANET. In the foreground is BBN-TENEXA (BBNA for short). Host names in 1971 had no .com or dot anything; DNS came along later. BBNA was the machine on which the first email was received. In the background is BBN-TENEXB (BBNB) from which the first email was sent. On the left, foreground, is the Teletype KSR-33 terminal on which the first email was printed. Immediately behind and largely obscured is another KSR-33 on which the first email was typed.

BBNA was a Digital Equipment Corporation KA10 (PDP-10) with 64K (36-bit) words of (real magnetic) core memory. In modern measure, that's 288 KBytes. BBNB was smaller with only 48K words. Both machines ran the TENEX time-sharing monitor.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

People with more moles may age slowly

People with a large numbers of moles on their skin may age slowly, suggests a new study.

Scientists from King’s College, London, compared key ageing DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) with the number of moles a person had in a study of 1,800 twins.

A mole is a spot on the skin that is usually round or oval in shape and may range in colour from pink, brown, red or black.

The experts found that the more moles a person had, the more likely their DNA was to have the properties to fight off ageing, reported the online edition of BBC News.

In the study, which appeared in the latest issue of Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention journal, researchers found that those with more than 100 moles had longer telomeres than those with fewer than 25. Telemores are the part of certain chromosomes linked to ageing. The difference between the two mole groups was equivalent to six to seven years of ageing.

“The results of this study are very exciting as they show, for the first time, that moley people … may have the benefit of a reduced rate of ageing,” said lead researcher Veronique Bataille.

“This could imply susceptibility to fewer age-related diseases such as heart disease or osteoporosis - a disease that makes bones prone to fracture, for example. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings.” (IANS)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Discover the 90/10 Principle.

It will change your life (at least the way you react to situations).
What is this principle? 10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react.
What does this mean? We really have no control over 10% of what happens to us.
We cannot stop the car from breaking down. The plane will be late arriving, which throws our whole schedule off. A driver may cut us off in traffic.
We have no control over this 10%. The other 90% is different. You determine the other 90%.
How? ……….By your reaction.
You cannot control a red light. but you can control your reaction. Don't let people fool you; YOU can control how you react.
Let's use an example.
You are eating breakfast with your family. Your daughter knocks over a cup of coffee onto your business shirt. You have no control over what just happened.
What happens next will be determined by how you react.
You curse.
You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over.
She breaks down in tears.
After scolding her, you turn to your spouse and criticize her for placing the cup too close to the edge of the table.
A short verbal battle follows.
You storm upstairs and change your shirt.
Back downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busy crying to finish breakfast and get ready for school.
She misses the bus.
Your spouse must leave immediately for work.
You rush to the car and drive your daughter to school. Because you are late, you drive 40 miles an hour in a 30 mph speed limit.
After a 15-minute delay and throwing $60 traffic fine away, you arrive at school.
Your daughter runs into the building without saying goodbye.
After arriving at the office 20 minutes late, you find you forgot your briefcase.
Your day has started terrible. As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse. You look forward to coming home.
When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.
Why? …. Because of how you reacted in the morning.

Why did you have a bad day?
A) Did the coffee cause it?
B) Did your daughter cause it?
C) Did the policeman cause it?
D) Did you cause it?
The answer is “D".
You had no control over what happened with the coffee. How you reacted in those 5 seconds is what caused your bad day.
Here is what could have and should have happened.

Coffee splashes over you. Your daughter is about to cry. You gently say, "Its ok honey, you just need to be more careful next time". Grabbing a towel you rush upstairs. After grabbing a new shirt and your briefcase, you come back down in time to look through the window and see your child getting on the bus. She turns and waves. You arrive 5 minutes early and cheerfully greet the staff. Your boss comments on how good the day you are having.

Notice the difference?

Two different scenarios. Both started the same. Both ended different.

Because of how you REACTED.

You really do not have any control over 10% of what happens. The other 90% was determined by your reaction.
Here are some ways to apply the 90/10 principle. If someone says something negative about you, don't be a sponge. Let the attack roll off like water on glass. You don't have to let the negative comment affect you!
React properly and it will not ruin your day. A wrong reaction could result in losing a friend, being fired, getting stressed out etc.
How do you react if someone cuts you off in traffic? Do you lose your temper? Pound on the steering wheel? A friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off) Do you curse? Does your blood pressure skyrocket? Do you try and bump them?
WHO CARES if you arrive ten seconds later at work? Why let the cars ruin your drive?
Remember the 90/10 principle, and do not worry about it.
You are told you lost your job.
Why lose sleep and get irritated? It will work out. Use your worrying energy and time into finding another job.
The plane is late; it is going to mangle your schedule for the day. Why take outpour frustration on the flight attendant? She has no control over what is going on.
Use your time to study, get to know the other passenger. Why get stressed out? It will just make things worse.

Now you know the 90-10 principle. Apply it and you will be amazed at the results. You will lose nothing if you try it. The 90-10 principle is incredible. Very few know and apply this principle.
The result?
Millions of people are suffering from undeserved stress, trials, problems and heartache. We all must understand and apply the 90/10 principle.
It CAN change your life!!!

The Three Filters Test

In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem. One day an acquaintance met the great philosopher and said, "Do you know what I just heard about your friend?"
"Hold on a minute," Socrates replied. "Before telling me anything I'd like you to pass a little test. It"s called the Three Filters Test."
"Three Filters?"
"That's right," Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you're going to say. That's why I call it the Three Filters Test.
The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?"
"No," the man said, "actually I just heard about it and..."
"All right," said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it"s true or not. Now let"s try the second filter, the filter of goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my friend something good?"
"No, on the contrary..."
"So," Socrates continued, "you want to tell me something bad about him, but you're not certain it"s true. You may still pass the test though, because there's one filter left: the filter of usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?"
"No, not really."
"Well," concluded Socrates, "if what you want to tell me is neither true nor good nor even useful, why tell it to me at all?"
This is why Socrates was a great philosopher & held in such high esteem.

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it